Community workshop - develop the next 10-year vision.
Developing a new 10-year vision, planning the next 5 years and beyond
Community workshop
You are invited.
Dear friends of Andover Trees United
You are invited to join a working party (via Zoom) to map out the future development of Andover Trees United.
The outcomes of this workshop will frame the ambitions of our work for the next 10 years, and our plans for the next 5.
You will attend 3, 2-hour sessions 10am-12pm on:
Saturday, June 27th
Saturday, July 4th
Saturday, July 11th
Click here for the workshop AGENDA.
Internationally renowned facilitator Charles O'Malley will lead us through the process.
(This would normally have been a day's workshop, however, due to Covid-19 and on the recommendations of our facilitator, we have opted to do this over 3 short virtual sessions)
As a community-led organisation we value the energy, experience and expertise that you bring to Andover Trees United and, as we move forward, hope that you will want to be part of shaping its future.
For more information and to express your interest, please email
All the best
Wendy and the ATU team
The Great Growing Project formed the basis of the past 4 years of our work, and was created from the previous community consultation workshop in 2016.