Tree Planting Fortnight 2018

In the last two weeks of November and coinciding with National Tree Week, 800 pupils from 20 schools across Andover and villages, made the journey to Harmony Woods to plant their trees.

50 wonderful people volunteered their time over the fortnight, without whom this annual event would not and could not happen.

On behalf of the Andover Trees United Trustees, all the schools and the children and young people who make up ATU - a massive and heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped, including: The Mayor and Mayoress of Test Valley, MP Kit Malthouse who brought with him 6 Queen's Commonwealth Canopy Trees, Leader of Test Valley Borough Council Phil North together with County, Borough, Town and Parish Councillors and representatives from Veolia and Abel & Cole. From Linda who sewed ribbons to gloves to speed up pairing (it worked!) to Sainsburys and Abel & Cole who donated refreshments; from community minibus drivers who transported the children to the wood to the Harrow Way students (who got VERY wet but didn't give up!) and all the teachers and parents who supported on 'their' day; and of course to the Woodland Trust and ‘I Dig Trees’ for the trees, we can't thank you enough.

We weathered wind and rain, sleet and grey skies but were also blessed with sunshine and blue skies and late autumn warmth. The barn owl, skylarks and kestrels kept us company, we coped with coaches breaking down and taps that mysteriously stopped running. We welcomed over 800 children and planted 500 trees. The 215 came and went and the arch filled with poppies.
Together, WE DID IT!

We hope this short video will give you a taster and will make you smile.

There will be 5 more schools tree planting in March as well as a Plant-for-the-Planet Academy at Andover Golf Club in March - if you haven't yet taken part, we hope you will join us - you would be warmly welcomed.

Wendy Davis