Women in Science Day - Maylis


Yesterday, February 11th was the International Day of Women & Girls in Science. To mark it, we decided to reach out to women involved with Andover Trees who have a scientific or STEM background, and ask them to write something about their experiences. Have a look back at the previous four posts if you’ve missed them, and keep an eye out for the final two.

Maylis, ATU Nature in Harmony Exchange Project youth team member: Aspiring vet

What had me interested in science to begin with has always been the fact that it is constantly surrounding us wherever we go and biology fascinated me more so than other fields. Growing up and having easy access to wildlife on my doorstep helped me realise my love for animals and wanting to explore further into veterinary sector, which as a child was simply portrayed as always having fun with some animals. For that reason, and having continued the curiosity of nature and the anatomy of different creatures, I have always wished to find a career into orthopaedics further on into the future, after having completed my biology and chemistry A levels.

Laura Morrell