Cabin update: TIMBER!
We are excited to bring you news on the progress of the cabin build, details of the next steps and how you can get involved (including participation in the next, hugely popular, Andover Trees Zoom Quiz at the end of Climate Action week on April 24th). Read on...
Since our last update we have received confirmation from the Carpenters' Fellowship that they have Covid-proof plans that will allow a smaller-than-usual team to come together in June, to construct the large timber frames. We hope that a larger group will gather in late August/ Early September to 'raise' the frames by hand, thus forming the basic structure on and around which everything else will be built.
We have 5 placement opportunities, for volunteers with a specific interest in sustainable timber building construction, to help with the framing of the building between 7th July to 15th August (Wednesdays-Sundays) so watch this space for more details coming soon.
Members of the public will also be able to watch, learn about and contribute to the construction of the cabin, providing a unique opportunity for everyone to come together in the creation of a sustainable community space to support our collective conservation and climate action efforts.
Site of tree felling
We have arranged for the timber for the frames to be supplied by a local Estate and the Larch trees were felled at the start of February a few miles from where the Cabin will be built.
We met with members of the Fellowship on 20th March so they could assess the timber. Logs were measured and numbered so that when they arrive in Harmony Woods they can be arranged in a working order for the Carpenters.
Trees labelled and ready for processing
A project management team has been put together including an archaeologist from Southampton University, who will 'watch' as the post holes for the timber supports are dug, in case features are uncovered which would provide clues to the location of a Bronze Age barrow, known to be located somewhere on the site! If you would like to get involved in any way during the build - from providing a field kitchen for the carpenters who will be camped in the wood to providing evening entertainment to taking part in the build... PLEASE get in touch if you are local to the project and would like to be added to the volunteers list.
Fundraising has continued, despite lockdown restrictions, and our members have found wonderfully creative ways to edge us closer to our target: We held an online anonymous art sale which raised a whopping £1310 and members of the youth team have undertaken a sponsored walk and engaged with headteachers from the 25 tree-planting schools to hold a coordinated Dress Down Day for the Cabin as part of a day of Climate Action. The latter was due to be held in late March but Covid restrictions made this difficult to realise. It has not been abandoned and will now take place June 25th.
After the success of our Global Giving crowdfunding campaign to support tree planting which took place in 2020, we (successfully!) applied for The Cabin project to be part of this year’s campaign. It will run from April 19th to April 23rd and, like last year, will be match-funded by Global Giving, so please keep your eye on our social media and support our campaign in any way you can.
And finally, to celebrate the end of the Global Giving Campaign and to thank everyone for their support, we will be holding another highly entertaining, Andover Trees United Zoom Quiz. A fun-evening-in is guaranteed so keep your eyes open for booking details which will be released during global giving week. If you would like to register your interest in advance, please get in touch.