

In celebration of Earth Day on April 22nd, donations made by you April 19th to April 23rd will be 100% match-funded by GlobalGiving so you can maximise your support for Andover Trees United. 

GlobalGiving is the largest global crowdfunding community connecting nonprofits, donors, and companies in nearly every country. With GlobalGiving's platform, Andover Trees United has been building awareness and funds for the important work and projects it does. 

 After the success of our 2020 GlobalGiving climate action campaign to support tree planting, we (successfully!) applied for The Cabin project to be part of this year’s campaign. 

The Cabin is to be an off-grid classroom, volunteer base and community space and building is scheduled to start this year. This facility will transform the way the community-planted woodland can be enjoyed, making possible a forest school, training programmes, craft workshops, school lessons, business meetings and a space for volunteers to meet comfortably and take rest breaks from the weather. 

In addition to supporting all the eligible climate action projects over the course of the campaign week, the GlobalGiving climate fund will continue to support the 5 projects which attract the most donations for a further year… not the most money, but the most individual donations no matter how small. Last year your donations placed us 7th out of all the eligible projects across the globe! 

Will you help us to do even better this year?

100% of your donation will go towards the building of the cabin.

Donate next week because reconnecting people with the environment and the natural world can’t wait. There has never been a greater need for environmental stewardship and climate action and we must act now.

Thank you in advance for your support!